John Edward Angus

(909) 607-3376

FAX (909) 607-8261


Last revised: Summer 2024


Mathematical/Computational Biology, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Mathematical Finance, Satellite Navigation, Reliability and Fault Tolerance, Probability and Statistics, Resampling Methods, Asymptotic Theory, Probabilistic Algorithms, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Operations Research, Management Science.


Ph.D., Applied Statistics, University of California at Riverside, August 1981

M.S., Statistics, University of California at Riverside, December, 1980

M.A., Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles, March 1977

B.A. Magna Cum Laude, Mathematics (Physics minor), University of San Diego, June 1975


PC (Windows, Linux) and Workstation/Server; Programming experience in Fortran 77/90, Basic, Visual Basic, Visual Fortran, Delphi (Object Pascal), Borland C++, JAVA, Python; experience with various productivity tools and mathematical /statistical packages (Word, Wordperfect, AMIPRO, Excel, Minitab, SPSS, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, Mathcad, R, Jupyter Notebook, and others); 46 years of scientific computing experience.


Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, July 2016 through June 2017, July 2018 through June 2019, July 2023 through June 2024.

Co-Director, Joint Ph.D. program in Computational Science, Claremont Graduate University and San Diego State University, Fall 2012 to present.

Dean, School of Mathematical Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA 91711, March 2003 through June 2011.

Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA 91711, July 1999 through June 2011.

Co-Director, Joint Ph.D. program in Computational Science, Claremont Graduate University and San Diego State University, Spring 2002 through June 2011.

Co-Director, Masters Degree Program in Financial Engineering, Management School and School of Mathematical Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, Spring 2001 through Spring 2010.

Professor of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA 91711, May 1993 to present.

Director, CGU Mathematics Clinic, Spring 1995 through Summer 1999, responsible for Clinic development activities, acquisition of Clinic sponsors, contracting, planning and oversight of the Clinic budget.

Associate Professor of Mathematics, The Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA 91711, July 1990 – May 1993.

Senior Scientist, Hughes Aircraft Company, November 1987 to July 1990; responsible for all research and development in reliability and related disciplines, acquisition of R&D studies and grants, and principal investigation of state-of-the art methods in reliability and fault tolerance, design and teaching of Hughes Advanced Technical Education Program (ATEP) curricula in reliability theory, engineering mathematics, and probability and statistics.

Scientist/Engineer, Hughes Aircraft Company, April 1986 to November 1987; responsible for R&D study / grant acquisition and principle investigation, reliable and fault tolerant design of air defense systems, design of statistical demonstration tests for reliability and maintainability, research in nonelectronic component reliability.

Senior Staff Engineer, Hughes Aircraft Company, March 1984 to April 1986; responsible for research and analysis in non electronic reliability, reliability of combined hardware/software systems, software reliability, mathematical and statistical consulting, and modeling of system reliability/maintainability.

Staff Engineer, Hughes Aircraft Company, September 1981 to March 1984; responsible for mathematical /stochastic modeling of system effectiveness (reliability, maintainability, availability), design of statistical reliability / availability demonstration plans, research in software reliability.

Member of the Technical Staff, Hughes Aircraft Company, June 1975 to September 1981; responsible for mathematical / statistical consulting to engineers in a variety of disciplines (estimation, modeling, simulation, error control coding, algorithm development), statistical analysis and programming for R&D studies and grants, research in software reliability.


Consulting:   Raytheon (Joint Precision Approach Landing System, February 2007 to February 2010, November 2017 to present); Raytheon (Japan Multi-functional Transport Satellite-Based Augmentation System, May 2002 to September 2006); Myriad Innovations (satellite performance analysis for navigation, October 1998 to present); Hughes and Raytheon (FAA Wide Area Augmentation System and general satellite navigation; June 1996 to May 2002); Santa Anita Racetrack (probability analysis; 1992), Hughes Aircraft Company (passive tracking; 91-93).

Honors: Hughes Fellow

Memberships: Institute of Navigation, American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Editorial: Associate Editor, Journal of Futures Markets

Technical Reviewer: Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Navigation; Journal of Futures Markets; IEEE Trans. on Reliability; IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering; American Statistician; Technometrics; JASA; J. of Statistical Planning and Inference; Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models; Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Publishers; Gordon & Breach Publishers; CRC Press, Blackwell Publishers, Chapman and Hall.

Invited Reviewer: Continuous Time Finance, by Nobel Laureate Robert Merton, Blackwell Publishers, 1997.

Curriculum Development: Designed graduate courses in Computation, Linear Statistical Analysis, Measure-Theoretic Probability, Time Series, Advanced Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Finance (Options Pricing), Reliability Theory, Nonparametric Statistics, Asymptotic Methods in Satistics, Simulation, Kalman Filtering; Mathematics Clinics in Mars Relay Network, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Adaptive Clustering, Combinatorial Optimization, Satellite Availability and Performance Modeling, Algorithmic Defect Classfiication.


Research Grants: Three U.S. Navy /ASEE summer grants (91, 92, 93); Three ONR Polygraph Research grants (93, 94).

Invited Presentations:

  • “Asymptotic Theory for Bootstrapping the Extremes,” UC Riverside Statistics Colloquium talk, January 21,1991.
  • “The Claremont Graduate School Mathematics Clinic,” SIAM Annual Conference, Summer 1994.
  • “Statistics in Satellite Navigation,” UC Riverside Statistics Colloquium talk, May 21, 2002.
  • “Satellite Navigation,” Insitituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, February 2006

Proposal evaluator / technical advisor for the National Medical Technology Test Bed, Loma Linda University and Medical Center, School of Medicine, September 1993 – December 1993.


Secret clearance held since 1977, security debriefing in June 1990.


Mars Relay Network Planning Tool Optimization Algorithm Refinement II, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, May 2003 – September 2003, $25,000.

Unconventional Signal Processing Techniques for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception: Single-Test Interview Formats, Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, the Office of Naval Research, and Optera Knowledge Products and Services, ONR Contract # N00014-96-C-0119, April 1996 – November1996, $12,000.

Psychophysiological Detection of Deception from Tests Employing All-Relevant Questions: Artificial Neural Network Approaches, Department of Defense Polygraph Institute and the Office of Naval Research, ONR Contract #N00014-94-C-0255, September 1994 – July 1995, $49,000.

Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Polygraph Signals, Department of Defense Polygraph Institute and the Office of Naval Research, ONR Contract #N00014-93-C-0171, July 1993 – October 1993, $20,000.

Design and Training of an Artificial Neural Network for Polygraph Signal Processing, Department of Defense Polygraph Institute and the Office of Naval Research, ONR Contract # N00014-93-C-0207, September 1993 – November 1993, $15,000.

Prediction of Worker’s Compensation Costs, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California, sponsored by a Navy – ASEE Fellowship, May 1994 to August1994, $15,000.

Stochastic Modeling of Hazardous Materials Life Cycle Costs, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California, sponsored by a Navy – ASEE Fellowship, May 1992 to August 1992, $13,000.

Neural Networks in Diagnosis of Disease, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California, sponsored by a Navy – ASEE Fellowship, May 1991 to August 1991, $13,000.

Passive Radar Tracking, Hughes Aircraft Company, Fullerton, California, and DARPA, August 1991 to September 1991, $15,000.

Accelerated Reliability Models for Systems, Principal Investigator, Hughes Corporate Reliability Committee Grant, January 1990 to July 1990, $25,000.

Accelerated Reliability Testing for Systems, Principal Investigator, Hughes Corporate Reliability Committee Grant, October 1989 to December 1989, $25,000.

Fault Tolerant Design and High Reliability Systems, Principal Investigator, Hughes Corporate Reliability Committee Grant, January 1989 to December 1989, $15,000.

Reliability Techniques for Combined Hardware / Software Systems, Principal Investigator, Rome Air Development Center, June 1989 to July 1990, $480,252.

Hardware/Software System Reliability Prediction and Assessment Study, Principal Investigator, Rome Air Development Center, September 1986 to June 1987, $1,890,000 (canceled beyond $60,000 due to Strategic Defense Initiative Office budget cut).

Production Reliability Screening, Associated Researcher (with A.E. Saari and S.J. VanDenBerg), Rome Air Development Center, September 1982 to April 1986, $97,987.

Nonelectronic Reliability Notebook Update, Principal Investigator (with R.E. Schafer, J.M. Finkelstein, M. Yerasi, R.G. Arno, and N.R. Mann), Rome Air Development Center, July 1982 to August 1985, $248,467.

(Software) Reliability Model Demonstration Study, Principal Investigator (with S.J. VanDenBerg and J.B. Bowen), Rome Air Development Center, August 1980 to March 1983, $231,755.

Combined Hardware/Software Reliability Models, Principal Investigator (with L.E. James, J.B. Bowen, and J.C. McDaniel), Rome Air Development Center, February 1980 to February 1981, $89,685.

BIT/External Test Figures of Merit and Demonstration Techniques, Associated Researcher (with F. Jew and T.F. Pliska), Rome Air Development Center, December 1978 to December 1979, $100,000 (approx.).

Maintainability Prediction and Analysis Study, Associated Researcher (with F. Jew and T.F. Pliska), Rome Air Development Center, July 1977 to July 1978, $100,000 (approx.).

Validation of Software Reliability Models, Associated Researcher (with R.E. Schafer, J.F. Alter, and S.E. Emoto), Rome Air Development Center, October 1977 to November 1978, $90,000 (approx.).

Evaluation of Electrical Guardband Testing, Associate Researcher (with R.B. Clark and G. Allen), Rome Air Development Center, July 1976 to September 1977, $75,000 (approx.).



“Goodness-of-fit tests for exponentiality based on loss-of-memory type functional equations.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, CA, August 1981.


(Google Scholar Citations:

  1. “A Fresh Look at Distribution Theory for Quadratic Forms in Jointly Normally Distributed Random Variables.”  Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, August 2022,
  2. “BoAREN: Improving Regularization in Linear Regression with an Application to Index Tracking.”  Applied Finance Letters, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2022): Special Issue, 36-51.
  3. “On the Ratio of Current Age to Total Life for Null Recurrent Renewal Processes,” with Yujia Ding.  Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 162, February 2020,
  4. “A New Joint Model of Recurrent Event Data with the Additive Hazards Model for the Terminal Event Time,” with Xiaoyu Che, Metrika, Vol. 79, No. 1, September 2016.
  5. “Bootstrapping a Universal Pivot When Nuisance Parameters are Estimated,” The American Statistician, vol. 70, No. 1, February 2016.
  6. “Application of the Extended Kalman Filter for Improving the Accuracy and Smoothness of the Kinect Skeleton-Joint Estimates,” with Jody Shu and Fumio Hamano, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol. 88, no. 1, October 2014.
  7. “Optimum Preventive Maintenance Duration for Best Availability with Hypoexponential Failure Distributions,” with Meng Lai Yin and Kishor Trivedi,  IEEE Transactions on Reliability,  vol. 62, no. 2, June 2013.
  8. “A Variation on the Coupon Collecting Problem,”  Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 42:10, pp. 2197-2202, 2013.
  9. “Inferences on Process Noise in a Linear Model,”  Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 55, pp. 2078-2086, May 2012
  10. “Optimum Age Replacement for Availability,” with Meng Lai Yin and Kishor Trivedi, International Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2012.
  11. “Invariants in Hierarchical-System Optimization for Reliability and Maintainability,” with Meng-Lai Yin, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, March 2011, pp. 198-200.
  12. “Inferring Transcriptional Networks Using Prior Biological Knowledge and Constrained State-Space Models,” with Beal, M.J., Li, J., Rangel, C., and Wild, D.L., Chapter 6, pages 117-152 in Learning and Inference in Computational Systems Biology, edited by Neil D. Lawrence, Mark Girolami, Magnus Rattray, and Guido Sanguinetti, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2010.
  13. “Bayesian Monte Carlo Estimation for Profile Hidden Markov Models,” with S. Lewis and A. Raval, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, vol. 41, 2008, pp. 1198-1216.
  14. “RAIM with Multiple Faults,” Navigation Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 53(4), Winter 2006, pp. 249-257.
  15. “What’s in Your 403(b)?  Academic Retirement Plans and the Costs of Underdiversification,” with W. O. Brown, J. K. Smith, and R. Smith.  J. of the Financial Management Association International, 36(2), 2007.
  16. “An Asymptotic Expansion for the Inspection Paradox,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 20(1), 2006.
  17. “Convergence rates in approximating a compound distribution,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 18(2), 2004.
  18. “Modeling t-cell activation using gene expression profiling and state space models,” with C. Rangel, F. Falciani, Z Ghahramani, M. Lioumi, and D. Wild, Bioinformatics, 20, 2004.
  19. “Modeling biological responses using gene expression profiling and state space models,” with C. Rangel, Z. Ghahramani, and D. Wild, chapter in Applications of Probabilistic Modelling in Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics, D. Husmeier, R. Dybowski, and S. Roberts, editors, Springer Verlag, 2005.
  20. “Availability of continuous service and computing long run MTBF and reliability for Markov systems,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15(3), 2001.
  21. “A note on finding the optimal allocation between a risky stock and a risky bond,” The Journal of Futures Markets 21(12), 2001.
  22. “A note on pricing Asian derivatives with continuous geometric averaging,” The Journal of Futures Markets 19(7), October 1999.
  23. “Towards computing exact horizontal protection limits for satellite based navigation systems,” Navigation Journal of the Institute of Navigation 46(3), Fall 1999.
  24. “A simple heuristic for valuing certain American type securities,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 28(1), 1998 (with Xiao Hong).
  25. “Data-based optimal smoothing of a wavelet density estimator,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26(3), 1997 (with Haisheng Luo).
  26. “A modified Bochner kernel lemma for density estimators,” Mathematical Methods of Statistics 6(2), 1997.
  27. “Improved Estimation of s in Quality Control, Revisited,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 11(1), 1997.
  28. “The inspection paradox inequality,” SIAM Review 39(1), 1997.
  29. “A simulated annealing algorithm for system cost minimization subject to reliability constraints,” Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 26(2), 1997 (with Kevin Ames).
  30. “On the rate of convergence of the Ross approximation to the renewal function,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 10(2), 1996 (with Xiao Hong).
  31. “Optimal Mutation Probability for Genetic Algorithms,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 21(8), 1995 (with Ray Greenwell and Michael Finck).
  32. “A coupling proof of the asymptotic normality of the permutation oscillation,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 9(4), 1995.
  33. “The probability integral transform and related results,” SIAM Review 36(4), 1995.
  34. “Bootstrap one-sided confidence intervals for the log normal mean,” The Statistician 43(3), 1994.
  35. “A smooth test for first order stochastic dominance,” Journal of Applied Statistical Science 1(3), 1994 (with Susan Herring).
  36. “Some consequences of sensor error in a model for passive detection,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 18(2), 1993.
  37. “A central limit theorem for autoregressive integrated moving average processes,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 17(10), 1993.
  38. “Poisson compounding of dependent random variables: a stochastic model for total claim costs,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 18(5), 1993.
  39. “Computer assisted improvement of mean squared error in statistical estimation,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 35, 1993.
  40. “Limit laws in a stochastic model for profit from units sold under pro rata warranty,” Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models 9(1), 1993.
  41. “Estimability and efficiency in nearly orthogonal 2m1 by 3 m2 deletion designs,” Statistica Sinica 3(1), 1993 (with Joan Mahoney).
  42. “Asymptotic theory for bootstrapping the extremes,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods A22(1), 1993.
  43. “Some bounds on the error in approximating transition probabilities in continuous – time Markov processes,” SIAM Review 34(1), 1992.
  44. “An alternative derivation of the asymptotic normality for sample quantiles,” SIAM Review 34(2), 1992.
  45. “On minimum variance estimation of the probability of an odd number of successes in a sequence of Bernoulli trials,” The American Statistician 46(2), May 1992.
  46. “Lower confidence bound on the percentage improvement in comparing two failure rates,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability 41(2), 1992.
  47. “A simple asymptotic analysis of Fisher’s Z-statistic,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods A20(7), 1991.
  48. “Generalization of the universal pivot function and its use in constructing confidence intervals and sets,” SIAM Review 32(4), 1990.
  49. “Application of extreme value theory to the BEC family of distributions,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods A18(12), 1989.
  50. “A note on the use of the Shapiro-Wilk test for exponentiality for complete samples,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods A18(5), 1989.
  51. “A note on the central limit theorem for the bootstrap mean,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods A18(5), 1989.
  52. “Some asymptotic analysis of resistant rules for outlier labeling,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 3(1), 1989.
  53. “On the connection between neural network learning and multivariate nonlinear least squares estimation,” International Journal of Neural Networks: Research and Applications 1(1), 1989.
  54. “A note on computing MTBF for a k-out-of-n:G repairable system,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability R-37(3), 1988.
  55. “Inferences on the log normal mean for complete samples,” Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 17(4), 1988.
  56. “The confidence coefficient of approximate two-sided confidence intervals for the binomial probability,” Naval Research Logistics 34, 1987.
  57. “The asymptotic joint distribution of the state occupancy times in an alternating renewal process.” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 33, 1986.
  58. “Testing the steady state availability based on data from a fixed length test.” Communications in Statistics, Part A-Theory and Methods A15(4), 1986.
  59. “Interval estimation of MTBF based on minimal information from a reliability demonstration test,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability R-35(4), 1986.
  60. “Failure free period life tests.” Technometrics 27(1), 1985 with R.E. Schafer, H.C. Rutemiller, and S.J. VanDenBerg).
  61. “Mean time to achieve a failure-free requirement.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability R-34(2), 1985 (with R.E. Schafer).
  62. “Improved confidence statements for the binomial parameter.” The American Statistician 38(3), 1984 (with R.E. Schafer).
  63. “An acceptance test for high reliability products.” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 31, 1984 (with R.E. Schafer and H.C. Rutemiller).
  64. “The connection between the Barnard-Birnbaum Monte Carlo test and the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, XXVI, 1984.
  65. “Some limiting distributions associated with sequences of multinomial trials.” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 30(1), 1983 (with B.C. Arnold).
  66. “On the asymptotic distribution of Cramer-von Mises one-sample test statistics under an alternative.” Communications in Statistics, Part A-Theory and Methods 12(21), 1983.
  67. “Normal quantile estimation based on minimizing the error in predicted distribution functions.” Communications in Statistics, Part A-Theory and Methods, A12, 1983.
  68. “Goodness-of-fit tests for exponentiality based on a loss-of-memory type functional equation.” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 6, 1982.
  69. “Statistical demonstration of fault isolation requirements.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-29(2), 1980 (with R.E. Schafer).
  70. “Estimation of Weibull quantiles with minimum error in the predicted distribution function.” Technometrics 21(3), 1979 (with R.E. Schafer).
  71. “Estimation of logistic quantiles with minimum error in the predicted distribution function.” Communications in Statistics, Part A-Theory and Methods A8(13), 1979 (with R.E. Schafer).
  72. “Predicting the confidence of passing life tests.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability R- 26(2), 1977 (with R.E. Schafer).


  1. “Mars Relay Network Planning Tool Optimization Algorithm Refinement,” JPL, Spring 2003 (with David Heckman and Steven Lewis).
  2. “Enhancement to the Site Availability Model (SAM) for Satellite Navigation System Availability Modeling,” Hughes / Raytheon Systems Company, Fall 97 – Spring 98 (with Sue Eun-Sook Lee, Claudia Rangel Escareno, and Shomeek Mukhopadhyay).
  3. “Defect Class Posterior Distribution Estimation for the Signature Classification Development System,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Fall 97-Spring 98 (with Xiao Hong, Mark Coates, Ashish Bhan, Amir Niknejad, and Craig Pinza).
  4. “Dynamic Aggregation of Symptom Data,” Naval Health Research Center, Fall 95-Spring 96 (with Jenny Switkes, Jose A. Macias, and Xuemei Wu).
  5. “Dynamic Aggregation of Symptom Data,” Naval Health Research Center, Spring 95 (with Robert Williamson, Daniel Pick, Kevin Ames, Amir Niknejad, Alex Ornatsky, and Xuemei Wu).
  6. “Resource Allocation Using Simulated Annealing,” Hughes Aircraft Company Command and Control Systems Division, Spring 95 (with Robert Williamson, Daniel Pick, Kevin Ames, Amir Niknejad, Alex Ornatsky, and Xuemei Wu).
  7. “Genetic Programming in Systems Applications,” Hughes Aerospace and Electronics Company, Command and Control Systems Division, Fall 94 (with Daniel Pick, Kevin Ames, Xiao Hong, Amir Niknejad, and Xuemei Wu).
  8. “Genetic Algorithms in Passive Tracking,” Hughes Aircraft Company, Fall 92 – Spring 93 (with Hui-Lin Zhou, Cynthia Bea, Lynn Beckett-Lemus, Janet Klose, and Stephen Tubbs).
  9. “Determining the Best Size for an Artificial Neural Network,” Naval Health Research Center, Fall 91 – Spring 92 (with Mary Crowley, Pat Jensen, Heather Mathews, and Randy Spangler).


  1. “Self Similarity in Message-Passing Parallel Processing Communication,” with Jeho Park and Shui F. Lam, Proc. International Conference on Communications in Computing, July 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  2. “On the Cost of Low Fidelity Modeling: The Case for a Performability Approach,” with Meng Lai Yin, Proc. Ann. Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, January 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  3. “A Single Frequency Approach to Mitigation of Ionosphere Depletion Events for SBAS in Equatorial Regions,” with S. Wu, S. Peck, T. Schempp, P. Shloss, H. Wan, P. Buckner, and P. Doherty, ION GNSS 2006, September 2006, Fort Worth, Texas.
  4. “Sensitivity of GPS and Ionospheric Monitoring to Category I Precision Approach Availability,” (with J. DiLellio, P. Tran), Proceedings of the 2000 Institute of Navigation Technical Meeting, January 2000, pp. 66-72.
  5. “The Sensitivity of Category I Precision Approach Availability to GPS Constellation,” (with P. Tran, J. Wu, and J. Lewellen), Proceedings of the12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, September 1999, pp. 233-240.
  6. “Non-Precision Approach Availability Sensitivity to Satellite Constellation Configuration,” (with J. Wu, N. Pandya, and J. Lewellen), Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation 1999 National Technical Meeting, January 1999, pp. 271-282.
  7. “Polygraph classification via nonconventional processing techniques,” (with P.F. Castelaz), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, October 1994.
  8. “Software based data protection,” Proceedings of the AIAA Computers in Aerospace Conference VII, CP 8910, October 1989.
  9. “Applications of neural networks: progress and impact on safety, security, and reliability,” (with P. Castelaz and J. Mahoney) Proceedings of the Western Conference on Expert Systems, June 1988.
  10. “Application of neural networks to expert systems and command and control systems,” with P. Castelaz and J. Mahoney, Proceedings of the Western Conference on Expert Systems, June 1987.
  11. “The application of software reliability models to a major C3I system.” Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, January, 1984, San Francisco, CA.
  12. “A demonstration test for high reliability equipment.” Proc., Total Systems Reliability Symposium, IEEE, December 12-14, 1983 Gaithersburg, MD (with R.E. Schafer).
  13. “Combined hardware/software reliability models.” Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, pp. 176-181, January 1982 (with L.E. James).
  14. “Software reliability model validation.” Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, January, 1980. (with A. Sukert and R.E. Schafer).


  1. “Mars Relay Network Planning Tool Optimization Algorithm Refinement II.”  JPL, September 2003 (with David Heckman and Steven Lewis).
  2. “A Field Medical Surveillance System for Deployed Forces: A Conceptual Model.”   Naval Health Research Center, report 96-12, San Diego, CA, 1996 (with M.W. White, W.M. Pugh, K. Hanson, and I.T. Show).
  3. “Unconventional Signal Processing Techniques for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception: Single-Test Interview Formats,” Final Technical Report, ONR Contract # N00014-96-C-0119, November 1996 (with P.F. Castelaz).
  4. “Psychophysiological detection of deception from tests employing all – relevant questions,” Final Technical Report, ONR Contract # N00014-94-C-0255, June 1995 (with P.F. Castelaz and M. Crowley).
  5. “Intrinsically linear loss development models for worker’s compensation costs: point and interval prediction methods,” Final Technical Report, Naval Health Research Center, report 94-13, San Diego, CA, August 1994.
  6. “Design and training of an artificial neural network for polygraph signal processing,” Final Technical Report, ONR Contract # N00014-93-C-0207, Nov. 1993 (with P.F. Castelaz).
  7. “Artificial neural network analysis of polygraph signals,” Final Technical Report, ONR Contract # N00014-93-C-0171, Oct. 1993 (with P.F. Castelaz).
  8. “A central limit theorem for autoregressive integrated moving average processes,” Final Technical Report, Naval Health Research Center, report 92-15, San Diego, CA, August 1992.
  9. “Poisson compounding of dependent random variables: a stochastic model for total claim costs,” Final Technical Report, Naval Health Research Center, report 92-14, San Diego, CA, August 1992.
  10. “Linear radar track identification from sequential Cartesian scan points in homogeneous clutter,” Hughes Aircraft Company Technical Report, Ground Systems Group, Fullerton, CA 92634, DARPA contract # DASG60-91-C-0005, 1991.
  11. “Computer assisted improvement of the estimation mean squared error with applications to back propagation neural networks.” Final Technical Report, Naval Health Research Center, report 91-17, Medical Information Systems and Operations Research Department, San Diego, CA, August 1991.
  12. “Criteria for choosing the best neural network: Part I.” Final Technical Report, Naval Health Research Center, Medical Information Systems and Operations Research Department, report 91-16, San Diego, CA, August 1991.
  13. “Hardware \ software system reliability prediction and assessment study,” Final Technical Report, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, Hughes Report # FR87-1L-38, 1987.
  14. “Nonelectronic reliability notebook.” Interim report, RADC-TR-85-194, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1986 (with R.E. Schafer, J.M. Finkelstein, M. Yerasi, and D. Fulton).
  15. “Study and investigation to update the nonelectronic reliability notebook.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-85-66, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1985 with R. Arno and N. Mann).
  16. “Environmental stress screening.” Final Technical Report, RADC contract F30602-82-C- 0121, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1985 (with A.E. Saari and S.J. VanDenBerg).
  17. “(Software) Reliability model demonstration study.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR- 80-0273, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1982 (with J.B. Bowen and S.J. VanDenBerg).
  18. “Combined hardware/software reliability models.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-82- 68, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1982 (with L.E. James and J.C. McDaniel).
  19. “Bit/external test figures of merit and demonstration techniques.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-79-309, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1979 (with F. Jew and T.F. Pliska).
  20. “Validation of software reliability models.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-79-147, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1979 (with R.E. Schafer, J.F. Alter, and S.E. Emoto).
  21. “Maintainability prediction and analysis study.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-78- 169, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1978 (with T.F. Pliska, and F. Jew).
  22. “Evaluation of electrical guardband testing.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-76-0336, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1976 (with R.B. Clark and G. Allen).
  23. “Reliability acquisition cost study.” Final Technical Report, RADC-TR-75-270, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, New York, 1975 (with G.T. Mead and R.E. Schafer).


  1. “A Study of the Wide-Parametric, Bayesian Methodology for System Level, Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing,” Final Technical Report, January 1990.
  2. “Availability demonstration test plans.” Final Technical Report, February 1986.
  3. “A demonstration test for high reliability equipment.” Technical Report, Systems Effectiveness Laboratory, Systems Division, Ground Systems Group, Hughes Aircraft Company, Fullerton, CA, May 1983 (with R.E. Schafer).


  1. Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration (M.S. Grewal, L.R. Weill, A.P. Andrews) and The Global Positioning System & Inertial Navigation (J.A. Farrell, M. Barth), GPS World, July 2001.
  2. Forecasting Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter (A.C. Harvey), Technometrics 34(4), 1992.
  3. Regression Estimators: A Comparative Approach (M. Gruber), Technometrics 33(4), 1991.
  4. Statistical Inference (G. Casella and R. Berger), Technometrics 33(4), 1991.
  5. Empirical Bayes Methods (2nd. ed., J. Maritz and T. Lwin), Technometrics 33(2), 1991.
  6. The Asymptotic Theory of Extreme Order Statistics (2nd. ed., J. Galambos), Technometrics 32(1), 1990.
  7. Probability for Applications (P. Pfeiffer), JASA 85(412), 1990.
  8. Extreme Value Theory in Engineering (E. Castillo), Technometrics 32(1), 1990.
  9. Stochastic Methods in Structural Dynamics (G. Schueller and M. Shinozuka, eds.), Technometrics 31(3), 1989.
  10. Monte Carlo Optimization, Simulation and Sensitivity of Queuing Networks (R. Rubinstein), Technometrics 30(4), 1988.


    • Asymptotic Methods in Statistics
    • Linear Statistical Models
    • Reliability Theory
    • Nonparametric Statistical Inference
    • Time Series
    • Mathematical Finance
    • Introduction to Scientific Computing
    • Kalman Filtering
    • Simulation
    • Probability Theory
    • Meta Analysis
    • Real Analysis
    • Mathematics Clinic Projects:

Neural Networks, 2 semesters (Naval Health Research Center)
Genetic Algorithms, 2 semesters (Hughes Aircraft)
Genetic Programming, 1 semester (Hughes Aircraft)
Adaptive Clustering, 2 semesters (Naval Health Research Center)
Dynamic Aggregation of Symptom Data, 1 semester (Naval Health Research Center)
Estimation of Defect Class Probabilities, 2 semesters (Naval Surface Warfare Center)
Satellite Navigation Availability Modeling, 2 semesters (Hughes Aircraft/Raytheon)
Fast Algorithms for the Mars Relay Network Planning, 2 semesters (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)


        • Probability
        • Statistics
        • Stochastic Processes
        • Advanced Topics in Statistics
        • Engineering Mathematics I, II
        • Engineering Statistics
        • Engineering Probability
        • Software Reliability

PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES: available upon request