This page will contain some information about the Winter 2010/2011 MAT 337 course on Real Analysis.

Course official website on the Blackboard:

Course outline:

This is a short half year introductory course in real analysis for engineering students with focus on applications. Topics: Metric spaces; compactness and connectedness. Sequences and series of functions, power series; modes of convergence. Interchange of limiting processes; differentiation of integrals. Function spaces; Weierstrass approximation; Fourier series. Contraction mappings; existence and uniqueness of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Countability; Cantor set; Hausdorff dimension.

Instructor for MAT337H1S (L2001):

Marina Chugunova, HU 1025, (416) 946-3769,
Lectures: Monday (16:00 – 17:00) BA1130, Wednesday (14:00 – 16:00) WB130
Office hours: Monday (17:00 – 19:00) HU 1025
(elevators do not take you on the 10th floor please go upstairs)