Katrina Denman earned a Ph.D. in History from CGU’s School of Arts & Humanities. Her dissertation work highlights the contributions of women to the creation of history as an academic discipline in Victorian England, as well as their historical contributions to the creation of an English national identity in the nineteenth-century. She also received her M.A. in History and Archival Studies from CGU and previously worked as a manuscript archivist for Western American History at the Huntington Library. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Dissertation Writing and Senior Consultant at CGU’s Center for Writing & Rhetoric, as well as a graduate writing consultant and webinar instructor at San Diego State University. Her work at CGU has been recognized with the Ida Lloyd Crotty Endowed Fellowship for outstanding woman scholar in history, the Fernandez Prize in history, the Grace Berry Award for women in graduate studies, two Friedman dissertation grants, and a Maguire Intercollegiate teaching grant.

Research Interests

  • Women’s history in nineteenth-century Britain
  • Women as professional historians in Victorian and Edwardian England
  • Nineteenth-century history pedagogy
  • Nineteenth-century constructions of nationalism
  • Contemporary Victorian historiography
  • Experiences of Black women in Victorian England

Contact Information
